Our Training Offerings

You would like to expand and deepen your knowledge of the railway system? Then you have come to the right place! We offer courses in the following fields of activity related to the railway system.

Basic track geo­metry con­cepts
Fun­da­men­tals of hy­drau­lics
On­boar­ding – In­tro­duc­tion to the Ba­sics of Track In­fra­s­truc­ture - Track 1
On­boar­ding – In­tro­duc­tion to the Ba­sics of Track In­fra­s­truc­ture - Track 2
Track struc­ture and geo­metry
Brake Locksmith Refresher Course (FIT) (online)
Refresher course (FIT) safety on the track with first aid course by the German Red Cross
Refresher course (FIT) on safety on the track without a first-aid course from the German Red Cross
Basic knowledge of hydraulics
Basic knowledge of switching valves
Brake Repairman
Electrical engineering for hydraulic engineers
Expert course for railway construction machines hydraulicses
Basic course railway construction machines hydraulics
Hydraulics basic course railway construction machines
Basic course safety on the track with first aid course by the German Red Cross
Basic course safety on the track without first aid course by the German Red Cross
Maintenance of hydraulic systems
Compact course railway construction machines hydraulics
Module training in profiling of tongue beginnings and rail processing in the frog area according to Ril 824.4016, 821.2005A03 and 824.5520Z30
Onboarding - Introduction to the Basics of Track Infrastructure - Module 1
Onboarding - Introduction to the basics of track infrastructure - Module 2
Certified operator of track construction machines specialization tamping (examination by UEEIV)
Certified operator of track construction machines specialization tamping (examination by UEEIV)
Certified operator of track construction machines Specialization Vorwagen (examination by UEEIV)
Certified operator of track construction machines Specialization Vorwagen (examination by UEEIV)
Certified operator of track construction machines specialization switch tamping machine operator (examination by UEEIV)

Let's talk! Write to our expert trainers

    If you would like to book this course to us, please write to us and someone from the team will get in touch with you. Please include information on when you want to conduct this training and for how many candidates of your team.

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    Becoming the go-to powerhouse of knowledge, information and executable expertise; that steers the future of the global railway superstructure industry towards increased efficiency, increased safety and innovation.