Unser Erfahrungsschatz
Unser erfahrenes Team aus Consultants und Ingenieur:innen mit internationaler Expertise bietet der Eisenbahninfrastruktur-Branche umfassende Unterstützung bei allen Gleiskomponenten und Geschäftsfeldern.

Was wir tun

Erfassung der Gleisdaten
und Management für den Entwurf und die Umsetzung einer verbesserten, 360° vorausschauenden Schieneninstandhaltungsstrategie.

Erfassung der Gleisdaten
und Management für den Entwurf und die Umsetzung einer verbesserten, 360° vorausschauenden Schieneninstandhaltungsstrategie.

Management der Gleisdaten
durch Business Intelligence mit Ihrer vorhandenen Software oder kommerziellen Standard-Softwarelösungen.

Management der Gleisdaten
durch Business Intelligence mit Ihrer vorhandenen Software oder kommerziellen Standard-Softwarelösungen.

Digitale Transformation und Automatisierung
Konzeption und Implementierung von Strategien und Werkzeugen für das Asset-Management der Gleisinfrastruktur.

Digitale Transformation und Automatisierung
Konzeption und Implementierung von Strategien und Werkzeugen für das Asset-Management der Gleisinfrastruktur.

Analyse der Rad/Schiene-Schnittstelle
zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit, des Fahrkomforts und der Lebenszykluskosten von Rad/Schiene.

Analyse der Rad/Schiene-Schnittstelle
zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit, des Fahrkomforts und der Lebenszykluskosten von Rad/Schiene.

als Service für einzelne Vermögenswerte oder auch im Gesamtumfang.

als Service für einzelne Vermögenswerte oder auch im Gesamtumfang.

durch den Einsatz spezifischer Algorithmen.

durch den Einsatz spezifischer Algorithmen.

Technische Audits
mit Schwerpunkt auf der nachhaltigen Nutzung umweltfreundlicher Technologien und Asset-Management-Verfahren.

Technische Audits
mit Schwerpunkt auf der nachhaltigen Nutzung umweltfreundlicher Technologien und Asset-Management-Verfahren.

Management von Schotter und Untergrund
auf Basis Ihrer vorhandenen, erfassten Daten.

Management von Schotter und Untergrund
auf Basis Ihrer vorhandenen, erfassten Daten.

von (aber nicht beschränkt auf) wiederkehrenden Mängeln, frühzeitiger Verschlechterung oder unsicherer Zustände relevanter Vermögenswerte Ihrer Gleisinfrastruktur.

von (aber nicht beschränkt auf) wiederkehrenden Mängeln, frühzeitiger Verschlechterung oder unsicherer Zustände relevanter Vermögenswerte Ihrer Gleisinfrastruktur.
Wir machen die Dinge anders
Unsere internationalen Beratungsexperten kombinieren jahrhundertelange Erfahrung in der Streckenoptimierung mit Business-Intelligence-Tools, um Ihnen nachhaltige Informationen für zukünftige Entscheidungen zu liefern.

Die Vorteile der Global Rail Group
- Branchenexperten: Ein Team erfahrener, ehemaliger technischer Leiter der Gleisinfrastruktur mit praktischer Erfahrung, die Ihnen Fachwissen aus erster Hand bieten
- Vielfältige Perspektiven: Ausgewogenes Team aus erfahrenen und jungen Talenten, das eine ganzheitliche Perspektive bei allen unseren Lösungen gewährleistet
- Internationales Team : Ein internationales Team, das es uns ermöglicht, globales Fachwissen und Erfahrungen einzubringen
- Integrierter Ansatz : Integration von bahnspezifischem Wissen mit Business Intelligence, um nachhaltige Lösungen in jeder spezifischen Umgebung bereitzustellen
- Motiviert durch den Erfolg der Eisenbahn: Wir stärken Sie durch die Weitergabe von Wissen mit langfristiger Wirkung, anstelle von Informationen die nur zu einer kurzfristigen Problemlösung beitragen
- Partner, keine Berater : Wir sind Ihre Partner, die Probleme effizient lösen und dabei Strategien entwickeln, die sich auf unsere kollektiven Stärken stützen
- Partnernetzwerk : Breites und globales Netzwerk von Partnern und Experten, die uns helfen, globale Taktiken und Ideen in einem lokalen Kontext umzusetzen

Treffen Sie das Team

Elena Crespo Domingo

Klaus Liebwald

Leo Besson Beaugeois

Adam Sohasky

Andreas Oberhauser

Elena Crespo Domingo

Kathrin Gabert

Teever Handal

Raphael Marotta

Pablo Merayo

Brad Kerchof

Jack Lindquist

Allen Pierson

Jeff Schweisthal

Sean Regehr

Casslynn Ennis

Henry Kweens

Shane Kweens

Steve Gainey

Beatriz Alonso Vázquez

Alberto Pérez Carabias

Zsolt Hörcsik

Gustavo Silva

Andreas Trausmuth

Geoff Risi

Elena Crespo Domingo
Work Experience
Since January 2023: Manager at Global Rail Consulting
2021 – 2022: Senior Consultant at Global Rail Consulting
2018 – 2021: Innovation Project Engineer Plasser & Theurer Export von Bahnbaumaschinen G.m.b.H.
2017 – 2018: Junior Signalling Project Engineer at INECO
MSc Mechanical Engineering
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

Senior Consultant
Klaus Liebwald
Klaus has more than 25 years of professional experience in the areas of maintenance and development of railroad infrastructure. His focus of the last years was international project management, asset management, lecturer/trainer, support and preparation of certifications.
He joined Global Rail Group in 2023.

Leo Besson Beaugeois
Léo joined the Vienna office in the Global Rail Group in 2024, after moving to Vienna from France earlier in the year. Completing his Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and with experience abroad in different countries, such as Finland and China, Léo brings a new perspective to the Consulting team.
2021-2023: Mechanical/Hardware Engineer at Wattsgood
2021: Project Engineer Intern at Resortecs
2019: Assistant Engineer Intern at Decathlon
2016-2021: M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering – Compiegne University of Technology

General Manager, Global Rail North America
Adam Sohasky
Adam has more than 14 years’ experience in Railway Track Management. Adam Joined Global Rail in September of 2023 as a Senior Technical & Business Development Officer. Adam Started his career in the Rail Industry in the Design & Construction department at CN Rail where he led the design, development, and implementation of capacity upgrades across CN’s network as well business development of Crude Oil Loop Train facilities, coal terminals and Frac Sand terminals. From there Adam moved onto track maintenance becoming a front-line supervisor responsible for the safe, efficient operation & maintenance of 300 miles of track; leading 50+ unionized employees. After that, Adam assumed the role of running CN’s Network Engineering Operations. Managing Rail Grinding & Milling, Ultrasonic Inspection, Lubrication & Welding across CN’s 19,000-mile track network.
Previous Experience
2022 – 2023:
Canadian National Railway Company – Senior Manager Rail & Testing
2017 – 2022:
Canadian National Railway Company – Manager Rail & Testing
2013 – 2017:
Canadian National Railway Company – Field Engineer April
2009 – 2012:
Canadian National Railway Company – Civil Engineering
Educational Background
Bachelor of Science – BS Civil Engineering Michigan Technological University
˃ Laboratory Evaluation of Gage Face Lubricants Using Disc-on-Disc Testing Mark D. Richards, PhD, EVRAZ NA and Adam Sohasky, Canadian National Railroad
Industry Positions & Memberships
˃ University lecturer for “Railway Maintenance” (Vienna University of Technology);
˃ University lecturer for “Life cycle management and predictive maintenance” (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences)
˃ AREMA Committee 4 Subcommittee 4
˃ Friction Management, 8
˃ Nondestructive Testing of Rail & 9
˃ Railway, Grinding & Lubrication Michigan Technological University Rail Transportation Advisory Board, Vice Chair
English, German

Senior Manager
Andreas Oberhauser
Andreas has more than 14 years of experience as an expert in Urban Rail Management and is an active member of the railway community in Austria, where he is well-known as an lecturer and researcher at several universities.
Previous Experience
2018 – 2021:
Head of Department Track Infrastructure at Wiener Linien
2011 – 2018:
Head of Staff Unit Infrastructure Inspection at Wiener Linien
2007 – 2011:
Maintenance Process Manager Track at Wiener Linien
2003 – 2007:
Research Fellow at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
Educational Background
Dr. Techn. (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering; TU Wien
˃ Monitoring, understanding and maintenance of rail defects on a European metro system (Stuart L Grassie, Andreas Oberhauser, Michael Ostermann, Bernhard Hinterndorfer, Werner Wehr, Philip Ali)
˃ 12th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems (CM2022), Melbourne, Australia, 4-7 September, 2022
˃ Enhance the Environmental Performance of Railway Infrastructure, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (M. Fracchia, R. Carlson, P. Steckler, A. Oberhauser, N. Leitao)
Industry Positions & Memberships
˃ University lecturer for “Railway Maintenance” (Vienna University of Technology);
˃ University lecturer for “Life cycle management and predictive maintenance” (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences)
˃ CEN TC 256 SC1 WG18 DG15 Urban Rail Switches and Crossings
˃ CEN/CENELEC – Member of the Urban Rail Survey Group within the mandate M/486 of the European Commission
˃ Forschungsgesellschaft Straße – Schiene – Verkehr (FSV): Work Group Leader AA EB13 “Regional Railways”
˃ Federal Transport Award 2008 (“Staatspreis Verkehr 2008“) for Research project “Energy systems for TunnelThermics®” for TU Wien and Wiener LinienProfessor
˃ Julius Kar-Award for excellent studies at BOKU Vienna
German, English, Italian

Elena Crespo Domingo
Elena has more than 6 years experience in the railway infrastructure sector, including different roles ranging from new line design consultancy in her previous experience at Plasser & Theurer, where she was part of the Technology Center Purkersdorf and was involved in the development of smart systems for the evaluation of the infrastructure condition.
She has an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and did part of her studies in RWTH Aachen University.
Elena joined Global Rail Group in September 2021 and worked on projects for the optimization and digitalization of railway superstructure asset management, with a strong focus on track geometry and ballast bed condition.
Previous Experience
2021 – 2022:
Senior Consultant at Global Rail Consulting
2018 – 2021:
Innovation Project Engineer Plasser & Theurer Export von Bahnbaumaschinen G.m.b.H.
2017 – 2018:
Junior Signalling Project Engineer at INECO
Educational Background
MSc Mechanical Engineering
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
English, Spanish, German

Senior Consultant
Kathrin Gabert
Kathrin has 11 years of experience working on various projects in the fields of studies, mobility concepts, traffic models and guidance systems.
She studied Business Administration with focus on Transport/Logistics and Market Research at Vienna University of Economics and Business.
She joined Global Rail Group in September 2021.
Previous Experience
Consultant at Verkehrsplaner GmbH
Junior Consultant at Traffix Verkehrsplanung GmbH
Educational Background
Magister of Business Administration from Vienna University of Economics
German, English

Lead Technology Coordinator
Teever Handal
Teever has more than 38 years working experience in the rail industry. He spent 11 years with the Association of American Railroads at the Transportation Test Center helping develop vehicle dynamic simulation software, performing vehicle/track interaction and wheel/rail interaction research. He worked for a Progressive Rail Technologies providing truck performance and wheel impact detectors, and consulting on derailment analysis and vehicle/track interaction studies. Since 2014 Teever has been working for ARM in data analysis, as a wheel/rail interaction specialist, and technical expert in vehicle/track interaction. During his career he has provided assistance to clients in North America, Europe, Australia, Brazil, and India.

Senior Consultant
Raphael Marotta
More than 12 years of experience within Heavy Haul Railways, covering positions such as Railway Expert and Senior Engineer being responsible for vehicle/track interaction, track geometry monitoring as well as maintenance strategy. He also gives lectures at IPOG and is a researcher at Instituto Militar de Engenharia. Raphael joined Global Rail Group in 2023.

Pablo Merayo
Pablo has worked for 3 years developing functional, constructive and capacity railways projects at TRN Taryet. During his last years studying civil engineering, he used to work as an intern at Carandini, a firm specialized in lighting projects. He joined Global Rail Group in April 2023.
Previous Experience
2020 – 2023:
Development of linear infrastructure projects, Data analysis, Field works, Tendering, among others at TRN Táryet
2018 – 2019:
Development of lighting projects (outdoor lighting and tunnels), Analysis of new optics for possible product developments at C. & G. Carandini
Educational Background
Msc. Civil Engineering (Urban transports), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Technische Universität München (TUM)
Spanish, English

Senior Track Engineer
Brad Kerchof
Brad is currently working part-time for ARM/Global Rail Group with the emphasis on projects involving track maintenance and inspection and brings 42 years of work experience with two Class 1 railroads – Conrail and Norfolk Southern. His first 32 years were with Maintenance-of-Way, including assignments like Division Engineer in Indianapolis, Pittsburgh and Birmingham, where he was responsible for track and bridge inspection, maintenance and development of capital programs. During his last 10 years with NS, he served as the Director of Research & Tests (track geometry testing, derailment investigation, wheel-rail performance research, mechanical and track failure analysis and materials testing).
Since 2012 he has been an annual presenter at the Wheel-Rail Interface conference.

Senior Rail Maintenance Specialist
Jack Lindquist
Jack Lindquist has a wealth of practical rail experience, spanning over 40 years. His work with ARM is primarily concerned with all quality issues related to rail profile grinding practices.
As a welder foreman, Jack was responsible for all aspects of project – scheduling, team training, quality control, troubleshooting and problem resolution, and contractor relations. In addition, his extensive background in heavy equipment operation provides the ARM team with a high level of expertise in operational safety of different types of large equipment.
ARM makes extensive use of his skills and experience as Senior Rail Maintenance Specialist. He is responsible for oversight of rail profile grinding operations, as well as implementing new wheel and rail profile maintenance and repair techniques incorporating the use of range vision (laser strobe and camera) optical measurement systems.

Senior Welding Specialist
Allen Pierson
Allen has been a member of AWS for 45 years and a member of Arema Committee 4 for 40 years. He has Certified AWS railroader welding practices, is an AWS visual weld inspector, and works as a Level 2 UT operator. For 40 years he worked on 3 railroads Penn Central Conrail Norfolk Southern. Allen is a welder instructor for ARM since 2014.

Senior Rail Maintenance Specialist
Jeff Schweisthal
Before joining ARM, Jeff worked for Loram Maintenance of Way Inc. for 15 years, operating and maintaining rail grinding equipment. Since joining ARM in 2005, he has managed turnkey rail grinding programs on many transit systems including San Jose (VTA), San Diego (Trolley), Edmonton Transit, Dallas (Trinity Railway Express), Boston (MBTA), SCRRA/Metrolink, BART, and others. His background in the operations and maintenance of rail grinding equipment enables him to determine the capabilities and assess the performance of various grinding units, and to effectively troubleshoot problems in the field.
He has an extensive knowledge of rail grinding pattern design, pattern application, grinding templates, optimized grinding speeds, and various QA/QC functions that impact grinding efficiency and performance. He has served as a General Superintendent, Grind Superintendent, Maintenance Lead and Operator of Loram Grinding Machines – in addition to experience with Special Grinder Projects and Grinder Overhauls.

Data Services Specialist
Casslynn Ennis
Casslynn has over 5 years experience in computer-aided engineering and mechanical design/maintenance. She graduated with a diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology in 2022. She joined Global Rail Group/ARM in February 2021.
Previous Experience
Summer Data Services Intern with Advanced Rail Management; 2022-present: Data Services Specialist with Advanced Rail Management /GRG
Educational Background
Mechanical Engineering Technology (2022) – Red River College
English, French (minimal)

Data Services Specialist
Henry Kweens
Henry has 20 years professional experience with proprietary rail recognition software and on-rail specialized data collection. He is responsible for training of new team members and joined ARM/Global Rail Group in March 2003.

Data Services Specialist
Shane Kweens
Shane has been involved in data collection, data processing and analysis of various data types for the past 20 years with ARM/Global Rail Group. He uses this information to support railroad maintenance managers and internal grinding staff in planning corrective and preventive rail maintenance. He is also experienced in training internal and external clients on proprietary rail profile analysis software. Shane holds a Diploma in Business Administration and Marketing.

Field Specialist
Steve Gainey
Steve has over 10 years experience in the rail industry that ranges from rail car mechanic to frog/track welding and repair. Between 2007-2011 he was the Field Specialist and Road Foreman at G.A.T.X. and then at Bankhead/Holland LP (2011-2018) as Frog welding assist/welding foreman.
He joined Global Rail Group in 2021 as the Field Specialist.
Previous Experience
G.A.T.X Rail: Field Specialist
Bankhead/Holland Lp: welding foreman

Senior Consultant
Beatriz Alonso Vázquez
Beatriz has more than 15 years of experience in Railway Systems, from engineering design to site works.
She worked as Electrification Design manager during construction works in several Spanish High-Speed lines. The last 6 years she has been working in High Speed 2 in Birmingham (UK) as Overhead Contact System Engineer.
Beatriz has an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICAI).
Work Experience
Senior OCS Engineer at HS2 ltd.
Power and M&E Engineering Manager at Sener UK, Utilities Project Manager at Sener UK
Electrical Design Manager at Prointec S.A., Electrical and Signalling Manager at Prointec S.A., Assistant Project Manager at Prointec S.A.
Logistics Engineer at El Corte Ingles S.A.
MSc industrial Engineering; ICAI- Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
Spanish, English

Solution Architect
Alberto Pérez Carabias
With more than 19 years of experience, Alberto’s career focus has been mainly in Business Intelligence and Data Solutions. Having both a functional and technical profile, Alberto has worked in a broad array of projects, including financial services, HR, publishing, industry, and consulting, implementing all kind of data solutions tools, defining the architecture and involved in the entire data solution life cycle.
Previous Experience
2023 – 2024:
Capitole: Project Manager Data Tech Lead at Repsol
2021 – 2023:
Wunderman Thompson MAP and Jellyfish: Business Intelligence Senior Manager & Data Tech Lead regarding digital marketing solutions internationally
2005 – 2021:
Neoris, Zartis, Cognizant: Business Intelligence & Data Tech Lead across different companies, projects, industries and technologies as a consultant.
Educational Background
Técnico Superior Desarollo Aplicaciones Informáticas
English, Spanish

Data Engineer
Zsolt Hörcsik
Zsolt joined the Global Rail Group in January 2024 after working in the online marketing industry both independently and at a major European hosting provider. Previously he completed his studies in Economics at Queen Mary, University of London and worked on several startup projects. He brings experience in data engineering, web development and business intelligence.
Previous Experience
Data Analyst at Herold
Freelance web developer / data analyst
Educational Background
BSc Economics – Queen Mary, University of London
English, German, Hungarian

Gustavo Silva
Gustavo has 5 years of experience in the railway infrastructure sector. He worked on wheel-rail interface management projects and structural analysis of track at the railway consultancy company CH.Vidon, and was a traffic and maintenance planner for the Brazilian freight railway MRS Logistica. Gustavo joined Global Rail to develop a 2-year research project on wheel-rail contact KPI’s in partnership with Simon Fraser University, and has recently transitioned into a role as a consultant.
Previous Experience
Project Assistant, CH.Vidon
Traffic and Maintenance Planner, MRS Logistica
Researcher, Simon Fraser University/Global Rail Group
Consultant, Global Rail Group
Educational Background
Master of Applied Sciences (MASc), Simon Fraser University, Vehicle-Track Interaction Research Group
˃ G. Dias-Silva, “Quantifying the relationships between rail profile indices and in-service wheel-rail contact conditions,” Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC, Canada, 2024.
˃ T. Handal, S. Regehr, E. Magel, K. Oldknow, G. Dias-Silva, “R+E144ole of profile quality indices in rail profile optimization,” Proceedings of the 28th IAVSD Symposium on the Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Tracks (IAVSD 2023), Ottawa, August 21-25, 2023.
˃ G. Dias+E17-Silva, K. Oldknow, S. Regehr, T. Handal, “Establishing correlations between rail profile quality indices and simulated contact conditions,” Proceedings of the 12th International Heavy Haul Association Conference (IHHA 2023), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 27-31 (2023).

Senior Consultant
Andreas Trausmuth
Andreas has 12 years of experience and is an expert in the railway sector in research and self-employment. Prior to Global Rail, Andreas worked at AC2T GmbH as a key researcher for railway infrastructure and locomotives. Andreas has extensive experience in the fields of tribology, Wheel-Rail Interaction, welding, maintenance for infrastructure / railway vehicles and the construction and conversion of railway vehicles.
Previous Experience
Sep. 2002 – Jan. 2003:
Researcher at FoTec, Wr. Neustadt Austria
Feb. 2004 – May 2007:
Process engineer at Semperit Techn. Produkte GmbH, Wimpassing Austria
Dec. 2007 – Sep. 2012:
Research Associate, Montanuniversity of Leoben, Austria
Oct. 2012 – March 2024:
Research Assistant / project manager / key researcher at the company AC2T research GmbH, Wr. Neustadt Austria
Since 2024:
Consultant at Global Rail Consulting
Educational Background
˃ Ph.D. Doctoral studies of Mining and metallurgical Machinery, Montanuniversität Leoben Austria
˃ MSc Academic studies of Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben Austria
˃ MSc Academic studies of Mining and metallurgical Machinery, Montanuniversität Leoben Austria
˃ MSc Academic studies of Mechatronics / Microsystems technology, University of applied science for economics and technology Wiener Neustadt Austria
˃ Member of the STLE regarding CLS Certified Lubrication Specialist (6831246452 STLE)
˃ Project manager of In2Track 2016 to 2023 (laser cladding on sliding plates, rails and frogs)
˃ Project manager of FFG project VIF 2016 AUFAS, wheel-rail interaction analysis of the effect of vehicle loads on rail joints
˃ Project manager ÖBB wheel-rail interaction Creation of a rail relocation strategy
˃ Project manager of FFG project VIF 2019 3DVEWE, 3D measurement of track components for turnouts
˃ Key researcher of FFG project VIF 2019 SafeRail, evaluation procedure for rail head conditioning agents
˃ Project manager ÖBB Reduction of maintenance costs through cladding on switch frogs
Japanese (basic level)
Mandarin (basic level)

Project Manager
Geoff Risi
Geoff is a skilled operations manager and sales trainer with experience in business development across many industries such as telecom, computers, and light machinery. In 2015, Geoff joined the railway industry with CNR where he worked as a conductor/locomotive operator, machine supervisor, fire prevention specialist and led many projects in Rail Grinding, Ultrasonic Inspection, and Welding. There he worked as an engineering technical officer for CN Rail’s Network Engineering Operations department until he joined the ARM/GRNA team as project manager in April 2024.
Previous Experience
2015 – 2024: Engineering Technical Officer at CN Rail specializing in Rail Grinding,
2014-2014 Project manager LEDCOR group/Telus Mobility
2009-2013 General Manager Springmasters Canada specializing in Sales Training
Educational Background
St Mary’s College Diploma
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